Hosting will enrich you!

Group of exchange students and Buffalonians in Buffalo © Greg Engle

Buffalo and Dortmund can draw on a long tradition of relations and exchanges. 2018 marks the 40th anniversary between Buffalo and Dortmund and its exchange programs. This homepage came into being because it is not easy to keep the exchanges going. While the Foreign Institute receives applications on the German side for the programs en masse, it becomes more and more difficult for Buffalonian organizers to convince families to host. Lynn and Greg Engle foster the programs as much as they can in accordance with their motto:

Shepherding high school students between the Sister Cities of Buffalo, NY and Dortmund Germany for past 40 years! – building lasting relationships and lifelong friendships.


German high school students at their farewell dinner © Greg Engle

German high school students and the group coordinators at their farewell dinnerOn the following pages we’d like to convince you of the hosting experience- Maybe you have considered hosting a German student but you weren’t sure if you’re really up to it. On this homepage you can get to know the programs. You’ll see exactly what you sign up for if you decide to become a host family. Furthermore, statements by former host families might ease any doubt you still have about taking in a German student… You might even become a supporter of our exchanges and end up writing your own enthusiastic statement!

If you are not interested in hosting but rather in participating in an exchange program in Germany, this is your site as well! Both High School and University students can find information about participating in an exchange program. Depending on your age and school enrollment, there are two programs worthy of consideration. For high school students the summer exchange (age 14 – 18) is a possible three-week stay in Dortmund, which includes visits to other German and Dutch cities. For college students, the college exchange is an opportunity for a stay in Germany, where they can acquire German language skills among native speakers.

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